Monday, October 17, 2011

Excel Services data source in Performancepoint Services 2010, Hadoop Data Source : New breed of data sources

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Data is the only currency that is generated every second in IT business and its the only currency that every business was to gather and utilize in the best possible way. BIG data and Unstructured data are creating tsunami sized data related challenges for storage, processing, as well as analysis. In the world of structured as well as unstructured data, more and more newer breeds of data sources are evolving and its good to keep a tab on these evolving breed of data sources.

We earlier heard the announcement related to connectors for Hadoop environments. In the new announcement made recently, Microsoft is now propagating Hadoop in its on-premise and cloud based platform with full integration with its regular line of products ranging from Excel to Business Intelligence stack. Hadoop, Hive, Pig etc are the new terms you would hear now in microsoft parlance too, and with this comes the new breed of data sources. You can read more about this announcement from here.

Even in the world of structured data, if you have a tab on the advancements happening in the Microsoft BI world, you would find newer category of data sources. One such example is Excel Services Data Source in Performancepoint Services 2010. Here's a tutorial on the same on Performancepoint Services Team blog. One service application acts as a data source for another service application, it is a very interesting concept in itself and opens up a new range of possibilities.

With SQL Server Denali, even SSRS would be deployed as a service application when you install it in sharepoint integrated mode. So by the integration theory we just discussed between two service applications, there is also a possibility in the future that PPS scorecards can be used as a data source for SSRS Reports, which has always been the other way round till date. With more variety of data sources, the newer challenge on the horizon is selecting the best way to source data as virtually anything can become source of data !

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